Using Multiple Saved searches at once or Tags

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Using Multiple Saved searches at once or Tags

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  • February 21, 2014 at 10:18 AM #9131

    Helen Holzgrafe

    I am attempting to use TapForms on my iPhone to keep track of a boardgame collection. I want to be able to filter my games by fields like: game location (ie is it in my car today), number of players (which is a list of numbers (1,2,3)), time it takes to play. So, I want to use saved searches like “plays with 3” and “under 2 Hours” and “with me today” and I have able to do that search very quickly while people are standing over my shoulder. I need to be able to search/filter with those saved searches together mix and match style using more than one saved search at a time. Right now I am faced with creating astronomical numbers of searches so I have each combination of location, player number and game length available.

    What I would really like would be the ability to choose more than one saved search at a time from the saved searches list and have them all applied. This could be relatively easily implemented by presenting the saved searches as a checklist and then using a join of these searches for the query.

    As I tried to figure out ways around this limitation, I tried making copies of the form with smaller numbers of records so I could at least get rid of one of the search fields. However, my saved searches were not also duplicated when I used the duplicate form function. So, there I was needing to enter them all into the new copy again. I would think that the saved searches for a form would always be useful for a duplicate of a form and should be duplicated as well.

    Thank you for your time,

    February 21, 2014 at 2:34 PM #9138


    Hi Helen,

    Thanks for your feature suggestion about combining saved searches. And also thanks for the info about saved searches not being duplicated. I have just rectified that situation. It will be available in the next update.



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