Tap Forms Crashes in 10.12.2

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  • Author
  • September 14, 2017 at 3:59 PM #24611

    Charles Kouns

    Hi Brendan

    I am now in my fourth day of learning the program. I have a 2012 Macbook Pro with tons of memory available. I am running 10.12.2

    Over the last two days, the program has completely crashed three times. I have reopened it and contunued working. Is this a known issue. In all cases I was doing something different. In the last case, I was trying to drag imported Bento libraries(forms) from uncategorized into a category. The file would move but then show again in uncategorized as well as in the categorized. I would delete the uncategorized and it would just reappear. shortly thereafter, it just crashed. This has happened before where it kept repeating what I was doing and then crashed. Not sure if that helps.

    I am going to subscribe but this is making me nervous!


    September 14, 2017 at 4:39 PM #24614


    Hi Charles,

    Could you please email me the crash report that comes up so I can see what’s causing it?

    September 14, 2017 at 8:07 PM #24616

    Charles Kouns

    I can next time it happens or you can tell me how to get a copy of the old report. I sent it to Apple.


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