Tap Forms 5 – Backup files

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  • August 27, 2016 at 10:29 PM #19099


    Hello Brendan,

    I have upgraded to versions 5.

    On the Mac the auto backup, when closing the app., sometimes generates 2 files, one of a large size and one of a small size (i.e. Example.tapforms-2016-08-27T11-18-18 of 17,9 Mo and Example.tapforms-2016-08-27T11-18-22 of 490 Ko), sometimes the backup only generates one file of a large size (which was the normal behavior in TapForms V3).

    Would you please to share your input and how to handle this small size files in the case I need to recover the DB through my backups?

    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Kind regards,

    August 28, 2016 at 3:55 PM #19118


    Hi Laurent,

    I’m not aware of the smaller size file being generated sometimes, but I’ll do some investigation on that.

    It only backs up if you’ve made changes since you opened up the document though.

    August 28, 2016 at 3:59 PM #19119


    Are you perhaps working with different documents?

    I just tested on 1 document making changes 3 times, each time closing the document a new backup was created. Each time the backup file was the same size.

    So I’m not sure why it’s not doing that for you. Mind you, my backup file was only 15.2 MB.

    How big is the backup file you’re working with?

    August 28, 2016 at 4:04 PM #19120


    Ok. I think I’ve figured it out.

    When you close the window, Tap Forms creates a backup file.

    When you quit the app, Tap Forms is creating a backup file.

    So I think what’s happening is that when the app quits, it closes the window too, which is triggering the backup function as well as the backup function from quitting the app. The second file is a backup file that got started, but never completed because the app quit before it could finish, so it’s not a good backup.

    I’ll fix this. But it’s just the bigger backup file which is valid.

    August 29, 2016 at 11:19 PM #19198


    Thanks a lot Brendan,

    As always, top notch customer support !

    Kind regards,

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