Synch anomaly

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  • Author
  • November 21, 2015 at 6:14 AM #15280

    Cliff Tarrance

    Hi Brendan,

    A weird thing happened. I modified a pick list on my iPhone and did a synch to the cloud. I’m pretty sure I had Tap Forms open on my Mac at the time. A good while later, on the Mac, I added a record and opened the pick list to add a value to a field. The values in the list were the old version of the list. I went to edit the pick list on the Mac, and found that indeed it had the correct values. Went back to the form, and the list was still the old version. So I figured somehow the form had loaded the old version and was holding that in memory, not aware (as it were) that the list had changed. I didn’t know how to force it to update, so I decided to quit Tap Forms and reload it. That basically worked, though it did crash as it was quitting. But no apparent harm done. The list is working correctly now.

    November 21, 2015 at 1:32 PM #15282


    Hi Cliff,

    It could be that the Pick List on the popover isn’t being refreshed after a sync. I’ll investigate further. But the simple workaround of quitting and re-launching seems to cure that. Sorry for the trouble.



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