Sync weirdness

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  • Author
  • December 17, 2015 at 3:14 PM #15490

    Cliff Tarrance

    I’m using Dropbox to sync Mac, iPad and iPhone versions of Tap Forms. This afternoon things aren’t working. I made changes on the iPhone, set it to sync, and it appeared to upload its changes to Dropbox. But on the Mac side, the changes are not being incorporated. When I look at the Cloud Sync popover, the most recent sync listed for my phone was hours ago. So it seems the sync files just aren’t being written this afternoon, though I’m not receiving any kind of error message. Dropbox seems to be working fine otherwise. Any ideas what could be going on? thanks

    December 17, 2015 at 6:43 PM #15491

    Cliff Tarrance

    Hmmmm. Well whatever the cause was, it has apparently cleared itself up. So never mind!

    December 18, 2015 at 1:10 PM #15493


    Could have just been a network delay. Also, just because Tap Forms says “Sync Done”, doesn’t mean it’s finished actually uploading and/or downloading the sync files it generates. The “Sync Done” message just means that it has finished generating the sync files that are then to be uploaded to Dropbox, then downloaded to your other device(s). That all takes time and only happens while Tap Forms is running. You should see on iOS the network activity indicator in the status bar spinning to show you that data is being uploaded and/or downloaded.

    December 18, 2015 at 3:24 PM #15495

    Cliff Tarrance

    Thanks for the info, Brendan. I tried syncing from both devices repeatedly yesterday afternoon, and it just didn’t work…. until it did. I guess I’ll chalk it up to some kind of dropbox anomaly.

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