Some questions

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  • December 13, 2014 at 5:08 AM #12296

    Ken Gillett

    Pick lists: I find I want to use the same pick list in several places but as single choice in one place and multiple choice in another. So, can I do this and if not, could it be made possible in the future?

    Are calculated field values stored in the database?

    How are picture attachments shared via iCloud. Since they will be external files, what happens when the database is viewed on a different device? Do the links simply fail?

    December 14, 2014 at 11:19 AM #12309

    David Butenhof

    I would also very much like the ability to use Pick Lists as single-choice in one form and multi-choice in another. Essentially make the Multi-Select switch a property of the field rather than of the pick list itself.

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