Search database with multiple "tags"?

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  • December 27, 2012 at 3:16 PM #5780


    Hello, I’m somewhat new to database software and can’t figure out if TapForms can do this:

    I have a list of many songs for performance and I’d like to have a DB available to search for different “tags” or attributes of each song. I would have basic fields like

    Song Title
    Mood (Fast, slow, happy, etc).

    What I’d like to be able to do is at a performance, I want a song by a particular artist. Can I quickly arrange by artist instead of typing in a search?

    But I may also want a Rock genre that’s Fast. How can I design my DB so I can search for all songs that have Rock and Fast in their records?

    I’m designing the DB on Mac, but probably accessing it via iPhone or iPad at the performance. Thanks.

    December 28, 2012 at 12:02 AM #5785



    You can use the new Search Rules function to create searches which would let you search on multiple attributes at a time. For example, you could search for “Genre contains Rock” and “Mood contains fast”. You could setup your Mood and Genre fields with pick lists to make data entry and searching on those fields quicker.

    I am adding a column list view to Tap Forms so you will eventually be able to sort fields just by clicking the column header. But at the moment to resort you would have to go to the Edit Form screen and change your First Sort Field.



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