save sorting


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  • April 3, 2020 at 1:36 AM #40195


    I am very impressed by the possibilities of sorting and the type of views. Especially in connection with „Group Records By“ and „Show Section Headings“ and „Show Group Summaries“. Now I’m looking for ways to save all my different sortings!
    Workflow: I have a form to sort by 3 fields (the fields are action, place and date) and I want to have a sort by each field and want to save each sort. So that I have quick and permanent access to every sort in list view.

    April 3, 2020 at 1:38 AM #40196


    Hi Wolfgang,

    You can do this with a Saved Search. You don’t actually have to have a Saved Search filter any records. You can use it just for storing the sort settings. It can even be used for having different views visible by default or different columns displayed on the Multi-Column List View.

    So just create a Saved Search, give it a name, then save it. Then with it selected, set your sort settings and that’s it. When you switch back to the main form, Tap Forms will use the form’s sort settings. When you select the Saved Search, Tap Forms will use the sort settings you set when it was last selected.



    April 3, 2020 at 10:44 AM #40200



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