Relation many-to-many: fields of the relation?

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Relation many-to-many: fields of the relation?

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  • August 25, 2013 at 10:43 AM #6533


    I want to make a datastructure lke this: I have a number of CDs, and each CD has a number of tracks. Each track is a recording of a melody. So I make a table of melodies as well. Now each track can belong both to a CD record and to a Melody record; Each CD record will have many tracks, and each Melody can be recorded on many tracks on different CDs.
    In other words: there is a many-to-many-relation between CDs and Melodies, and the relation is a track. How do I do this?

    August 25, 2013 at 1:00 PM #6541


    Hello Tellef,

    Create your forms first without the Link to Form fields. Then go back and add your Link to Form field from your CD to your Tracks form. Make it a Many to Many Link Type. Maybe a Melody record is just a different kind of CD record? Do they share a common data structure? Perhaps just a simple field distinguishing them apart would be better than creating a separate form for CD records and Melody records.

    August 26, 2013 at 11:02 AM #6552


    What I really want is to have ‘tracks’ in a many-to-one relation both to CDs and to Melody. CDs have a name, a recording date, a producer etc. A Melody has a melody name, and a composer. A track has a position on the CD and a time. Each melody can of course be used on a large number of CDs. Each CD has a number of tracks. So melody is not a different kind of CD record.

    Is it possible to let a Form (say ‘Track form’) be part of a many-to-one relation to two different other forms?

    August 28, 2013 at 1:55 PM #6557


    Hi Tellef,

    The inverse of a one-to-many would be the many-to-one. Adding an inverse relationship option is on my to-do list for improvements to the Link to Form field type. But I haven’t started on that just yet.



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