Pre-Loaded Image

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  • Author
  • April 24, 2014 at 9:53 PM #9722

    Vince Troia

    Hello Brendan,

    Is there a way to pre-load an image (.jpg) when using the drawing field? In other words, when the user uses the database I created for them, an image that I want them to use is pre-loaded, allowing them to scribble over the top of it, thus saving the combination of the two. Somewhat of a default file. Also, along those same lines, is there a way to pre-load a file (.doc, or .pdf) in the file attachment field. I apologize if I have asked them question previously.


    April 25, 2014 at 9:28 PM #9731


    Hi Vince,

    I don’t have defaults for the drawing or file field. You can draw over a photo already though, but you have to pick it from your library.



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