Nearby in One Direction?


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  • March 20, 2019 at 11:35 AM #34065

    Bob Kerr

    Hi Brendon,

    I have Nearby working well from the desktop to the laptop (both ways) and from the desktop to the iPad (both ways). However I don’t trust myself on the iPad not to delete or change records by accident i.e. I find finger trouble mistakes all too easy to make on the touchscreen. For my purposes I would be quite happy just to read data rather than edit data on that device.

    So I would like to make the iPad ‘read only’ so that any changes made on the desktop show up on the iPad but if I change anything on the iPad it doesn’t sync back to the desktop machine.

    Is there a reliable way I can achieve this in the syncing settings?

    Thanks in advance.


    March 21, 2019 at 10:55 PM #34071


    Hi Bob,

    Yes, just make sure that the Mac does not have the iPad listed on the Nearby sync settings screen. But the iPad should still have the Mac listed. That way any changes made on the iPad will not be picked up on the Mac because the Mac won’t have it listed and therefore won’t connect to it. But when you make a change on the Mac, since the iPad will have the Mac listed, then the iPad will be able to pull changes from the Mac.



    March 22, 2019 at 4:01 AM #34075

    Bob Kerr

    Hi Brendan,

    Done it. Thank you!


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