Link to Form—Many to Many—Sort Order

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  • January 2, 2018 at 1:19 PM #26831

    David Sieber

    I have a form with a Link to Form field. I’ve chosen Many to Many for the Link Type. It’s almost exactly what I want, except…

    I don’t want the linked form grid sorted by any of its columns. I want it in the order the child records were added.

    Here’s an analogy:

    Say you have one form for Albums, another form for Songs. Albums contain lists of songs. But, some songs can appear on more than one album. And on each of those albums, the song might be in a different position: first song, last song, third song, whatever. So we can’t give Songs a TrackNumber field. But when I choose “Select existing linked records” and add an album’s tracks, the songs are sorted alphabetically by title (assume Songs has Title as its first field. but this depends on how Songs is defined).

    Is there possibly a better way to do this?

    January 2, 2018 at 11:55 PM #26833



    you only need to set the right order on the child form.

    But in your case you need to add the track number, either in the first line of the song title. I wouldn’t do that. Or in a new field calls i.e. track number… (number, filled with 1,2,3,….etc.) Then set the sort order to this field. Or if you prefer, second sort order. This way the sorting on the m2m is as you want it. This is what I would do.

    January 3, 2018 at 2:50 AM #26838


    Another alternative would be to sort the child form by the Date Created field (which you would have to add to the child form). But then again you’d have a similar issue as a Track Number field. I know what you’re really wanting and that’s a reference to a child record, but with the ability to add custom fields only to the relationship itself and then sort by that (i.e. adding a Track Number field to the relationship, not to the child form). I don’t have that ability in Tap Forms though.

    January 3, 2018 at 10:31 AM #26843

    David Sieber

    Thanks both Leo and Brendan for the helpful suggestions.

    I’ve been trying various approaches, but as Brendan wrote, it might be something that Tap Forms can’t do — yet! (hint :)

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