Importing updated CSV into Tap Forms?

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  • February 23, 2020 at 10:25 PM #39634

    Fred West

    I have a tap forms database that has about 2,200 entries.
    I have recently added 1000 entries to the original CSV file (that originally created the tap forms database).
    Can I import the updated CSV file to add the additional entries without destroying the original entries in the Tform database or will the import ‘wipe’ the original imported entries??? Will tapforms only add the ‘new’ entries and skip the original entries?

    February 24, 2020 at 12:18 AM #39635

    Sam Moffatt

    If you import to an existing form, Tap Forms will create a new record for each of the entries in the CSV file. If there are duplicates in the CSV file that are already in Tap Forms, I believe a new entry will be created. I would suggest that it would be better to split out the 1000 entries into a new CSV file and just import that one file.

    An extra point of note is that if you export a CSV file from Tap Forms, it’ll export a field called form_record_id. If Tap Forms sees a CSV file with a column named this, it will use that as the record ID. I believe if you import a CSV file with this form_record_id set, then Tap Forms will either create a new record if a matching record isn’t found or it will update the existing record.

    Related reading: Import Unique Records from CSV

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