Getting a device to read an out-of-order .tfx file?

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Getting a device to read an out-of-order .tfx file?

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  • June 9, 2015 at 10:59 AM #13971


    I observed that the sequence of .tfx files for my mac notebook’s Dropbox syncs was broken — [0] and [1] were missing from the Dropbox sync directory. I’m now up around [25] in the sync sequence.

    Digging around in the Dropbox version history, it seems those files were deleted fairly early in their lifetime.

    As I understand it, they should not be deleted, unless I reset the sync on my device(s), which I hadn’t done. As I have experienced it (e.g., deleted Photos), Dropbox and Tap Forms sometimes have a difference of opinion about whether a given file should be deleted.

    At any rate, as I understand Tap Forms syncing, the disappearance of that file could explain why my 3rd device (iPad) has never successfully caught up with the other 2. It does claim it syncs from them. But it is missing some chunks of data that I was working on around the time of the last “reset sync”.

    Since it seems to take days to get all devices to see each other when I do a reset sync, I’d like to avoid that. I wonder if I could just restore the files and get the iPad Tap Forms to re-review them, even though they are ancient history in terms of the sequence of files?

    June 9, 2015 at 9:27 PM #13975


    You could always just disable sync on your Mac instead of doing a Reset Sync. That will remove just the Mac from the list of registered devices and start its own sync generation back at [0] when you upload to iCloud from it. Then your iPad will get all the data from that Mac.

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