Find and Replace

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  • Author
  • February 4, 2015 at 5:17 PM #12881


    I have several hundred records in which I need to replace the same part of a URL. It’s only the last few characters after the final / that are unique in each record. Is there an easy way to do this…?

    February 4, 2015 at 8:57 PM #12883


    Hi Peter,

    Unfortunately, not within Tap Forms. It’s something I want to add, but it’s not there right now.

    You would have to export your records including the Record ID, then import it into Excel or something, do your find and replace there, then export as a CSV or XLSX file again, then import into Tap Forms. That will update the records because it will have the Record ID and the matching field names. Make sure all your field names are unique or it won’t work. Tap Forms uses the names in the first row of your file to match up with the field names. But if you export from Tap Forms and then re-import into Tap Forms, it should be ok.



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