Export bug

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  • August 14, 2013 at 10:46 AM #6438


    If I do a ‘manual’ search and export the records that are returned from the search, only those records are exported. If I run a ‘saved’ search and export the records from that search, I get ALL the records in the form.

    This is easily reproducible. IMHO, this greatly minimizes the utility of saved searches.

    This is Mac Version 1.5 (217).

    — SteveW

    August 14, 2013 at 10:53 AM #6440


    Hi Steve,

    Ok, I’ll look into this issue and get it fixed.



    August 14, 2013 at 11:20 AM #6441


    Hi Steve,

    Ok, so this seems to be a bug with the Mac version as I just tested it on the iOS version and it works properly there.



    August 14, 2013 at 12:09 PM #6442


    Hi Steve,

    Are your saved searches just a generic text search across all fields? Or did you pick a specific field to search using the “contains” or other predicate comparisons?

    If so, then try picking a specific field when building your search and putting your search text into that instead of the global search. The bug seems to be when using a saved search for a global (across all fields) search term.

    I have fixed this for the next update.



    August 14, 2013 at 7:31 PM #6446


    My search is on a specific field. I have two of them actually:

    – Find all the members whose ‘Deceased’ checkbox is checked
    – Find all the members whose ‘Newsletter Option’ is ‘Paper’

    Both of them act the same way wrt saved searches. If I perform the searches ‘manually’ (even if it’s the same search), the export does the right thing.

    — SteveW

    August 15, 2013 at 3:45 PM #6451


    Hi Steve,

    Hmm… ok. Can you try clicking on a different saved search and then clicking on the one you want to export again? Then try your export to see if it gets it right. Nevertheless, I have tested all of this in my latest build and I was able to correct the bug with that.



    August 15, 2013 at 4:28 PM #6453


    I deleted the two saved searches and re-created them…and a third one just so I’d have more than two (I spent a lotta years as a programmer too!). I was able to get the search on the ‘Deceased’ checkbox to export correctly.

    The other two searches are searches on different values of a field whose input is governed by a pick list. Neither of these would export correctly.

    Hope this helps…

    — SteveW

    August 17, 2013 at 7:29 AM #6461


    On the saved search that I got to export correctly, there are blank lines in the middle of the file. I’ve redacted all the personal information in the file with the exported items and would be happy to send it to you if you provide a mechanism to do that.

    This doesn’t happen if I search for the items I want and then export (no saved search involved).

    You can assume all the redacted stuff is correct.


    — SteveW

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