Delete app and use terminal command

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  • May 11, 2015 at 3:09 AM #13659


    Hi Brendan
    In a previous post I reported a problem with TF 3.5 you suggested deleting and running a terminal command. Which do I do first and by delete, do you mean just the app in the apps folder, or everything. Also, will I have to set up cloud sync again if I do thia?

    May 11, 2015 at 3:21 PM #13668


    Now I have to find that other post :-)

    Replying to the other post would be very helpful then I could easily refer back to the issue you were having before replying.

    May 12, 2015 at 10:37 AM #13684


    See this post for the solution:

    My Tap Forms always not responding

    May 13, 2015 at 3:57 AM #13694


    Thanks Brendan, back up and running with a new download, terminal command and sync reset. Is there a drop down window showing sync taking place as with backup on my Mac with 3.5? I didn’t see one yet my records were updated?
    Also, if I want to upgrade to Dropbox sync am I right in thinking I need to do the following:
    Upgrade to IOS 8.3 ( now on 8.2 )
    Upgrade to TapForms HD 4.0 on my iPad ( now on 3.9.4 )
    Upgrade my other Mac to 3.5 ( now on 3.0.3 )
    Delete docs and data in the cloud
    Disable sync on all devices
    Select Dropbox sync on all devices
    Upload to DropBox from main machine with most up to date data
    Wait for sync to finish
    Then? I’m not sure. I have looked for documentation re switching, but can’t seem to find any. Your help, as always, MUCH appreciated.

    May 13, 2015 at 9:05 AM #13699


    Don’t do the Delete Documents & Data step before disabling sync on all devices. If you do that, any file attachments, photos, etc. will be gone forever unless you have a backup file somewhere else. In fact, before you do all that, make a backup.

    But there’s not much to do to switch to Dropbox sync other than clicking on the Dropbox button. Tap Forms will automatically copy all your photos and other files to the local folder. Then it will begin syncing things up to Dropbox, which could take a while. For example, it took over an hour and a half for all my photos and files to sync up to Dropbox since I had so many of them during my testing.

    Once you’re confident that Dropbox has everything and everything looks normal in Tap Forms, then you can do the Delete Documents & Data thing to free up space on all your devices. Tap Forms does not move the files to the local folder. It simply copies them. This I know uses up more space, but it also is a safety net.

    There’s a sync indicator at the bottom-right of the window now. That alert sheet that would pop down from the top of the window sometimes got stuck and didn’t go away without a force quit. So I made it less intrusive and just put a notice at the bottom-right with a spinning activity indicator.



    May 13, 2015 at 10:31 AM #13703


    When the first machine has syncd to dropbox, what do i look for in the dbox folders? If its ok, do I then just enable sync on a second device and wait, then the third device? I am guessing there should be a folder of some sort for each machine, but as I said, not much info to go on.Cheers

    May 13, 2015 at 12:25 PM #13704


    Hi Tony,

    Tap Forms will create a Tap Forms Sync folder in your Dropbox account. Inside there will be a SyncDocuments folder. Inside that folder will be a TFSyncDevice file for each device connected to the same Dropbox account that you’ve enabled sync for.

    When you press the upload to cloud button, Tap Forms will create a TFSyncDoc file ending with [0].tfx in the file name and then [1].tfx, [2].tfx, etc. Each time you press the upload to cloud button if there are changes to be synced, a new one of those files will be created.

    Those files are uploaded to Dropbox and then automatically downloaded to all your other devices that have Dropbox sync enabled. Once the TFSyncDevice and TFSyncDoc files, Tap Forms will process them and update the data in the local copy of the database.

    This is no different than how iCloud sync works in Tap Forms. It’s just a different transport mechanism for the files.



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