Date Format

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  • Author
  • January 24, 2018 at 1:02 PM #27102

    Gary Ownsby

    Unless I’m just missing it, the date format options don’t include a format for “month/day” only (no year), i.e., “01/18” Though it seems a bit vain, some folks don’t want to provide their complete birthday info as then you would know how old they were so our non-profit club only asks for month and day so we can send them birthday greetings. Can this simple format option be added at some point? Thank you.


    January 24, 2018 at 4:58 PM #27104


    Hi Gary,

    You could use a Calculation field to display the month and year using the following function:

    DATE(Date Field, “MM/dd”)

    But yes, I should have some date formats that don’t include the year. I’ll work on that. Although ultimately I should have an “Other…” function which lets you specify your own format.



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