Auto-populate fields with a barcode

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  • Author
  • October 13, 2013 at 7:06 PM #6926

    The Rooster

    Hi All,

    Like many of us, I use similar forms over and over, and there are a few fields that I fill out in the same way for several unique environments.

    Is there a way to set up a form with some of the fields filled out, and can I attribute it to a barcode (I can generate that in a variety of ways, of course) that is unique? Different barcodes would yield different auto-population of the form.

    In other words, I want to be able to select a bar code, have it invoke the form, and autopopulate some of the fields and selections…. It’s a custom form, just for additional info, and iPad.

    Would I fill out a form with what I needed, save it to a specific form name, then link it to the barcode? can someone help or direct me to a resource to help me do that?

    Many thanks to all for looking!


    October 15, 2013 at 2:49 AM #6938


    Hi AB,

    The barcode thing wouldn’t work, but on the Field Options screen for each field in your form you can specify a default value to be filled in when new records are created.



    October 18, 2013 at 6:04 PM #6969


    Hi Rooster, Just looking at your question. I had something similar and solved it by making duplicate forms and setting different default values (like Brendan suggests) and names for each. Then I grouped the new set of forms together by assigning them to the same Category. Then it is easy to quickly select the correct form. Much simpler and probably quicker than using a barcode even if you could do it that way?

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