Auto populate fields based on fields in other forms?

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Auto populate fields based on fields in other forms?

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  • July 13, 2019 at 4:13 PM #35898

    Derek Adams-White

    To help speed data entry and to ensure data integrity I would like to be able to auto populate a field based on a selection in a field from a different form. Is there a way to do this?

    I have a cleaning business and we do work for real estate agents. We always invoice real estate agents.

    While populating a new job record for this real estate agent I want the invoice field value from the real estate agent record to auto populate.

    It’s a long time since I created a database and I hope that I have explained this sufficiently :-)

    July 13, 2019 at 10:57 PM #35901

    Sam Moffatt

    You can have a clients form which lists the details of your clients and then create either an invoice form with the invoice details in it. From the clients form, if you add a link to form field (one to many) and link it to the invoice details form. Make sure you tick the “Show Inverse Relationship” box to create a field in the invoice form.

    When you have a new invoice for a client (real estate agent), you can either go to the agent and then use that to create a new invoice or alternatively you can create a new invoice and pick the real estate agent.

    The last piece is to drag the client field that was automatically created in a layout for the invoice and link it across. It’ll use the first few fields as configured by the clients form up to the number configured under “single column list view”. So if you set up your client form with name, address and a few other details you want to show up on the invoice then it’ll render those fields for you in the layout.

    If you load up the “Sample Forms” document that should have shipped with your Tap Forms install, there is (or was?) a “Clients” and “Client Call Log” set of forms which demonstrates the link to form field setup that should work for you. If you create a new layout in the “Client Call Log” form, you should be able to see how that could work for you.

    November 29, 2020 at 4:18 PM #42762

    Glenda Finley

    I am trying to create a file for my recipes. I was using Bento for this but that is no longer supported. I have created fields that are sufficient for my needs but now I can not figure out how to populate those files with my over 400 entries. Can anyone help? I should say that I do not know HTML so all I have done is draw the boxes for my recipes, main ingredient, second ingredients, directions, etc. How can I get the words to populate? There may be a command, but I do not know it.

    Glenda F.

    November 29, 2020 at 5:36 PM #42763

    Daniel Leu

    You should be able to import your Bento database into TapForms. So there is no need to reenter all your records. Did you try that?

    Migrating from Bento to Tap Forms Mac

    BTW, usually it is better to open a new thread when posing a question.

    November 30, 2020 at 1:37 AM #42765


    Hi Glenda,

    Yes, Tap Forms can import from Bento.

    There’s specific instructions here for that:

    So as Daniel said, you don’t have to re-enter all your data. Tap Forms will do it all for you from your Bento database.

    If you aren’t able to export your Bento data as .bentoTemplate files, you can email me a backup of your Bento database and I can do it for you. Send to

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