Add a Calendar event help

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  • November 26, 2021 at 7:10 AM #45801

    I would like to add/update an event with hour (not all day) from two fields, one for the date, one for the hour.
    I’m new in scripting and I can’t find an example with hour included.
    Thanks for your help !

    November 26, 2021 at 11:21 PM #45807


    Hi Jean-Christophe,

    You would just set the all_day parameter to false and set the Date to have a specific time.

    function Add_And_Update_Event() {
    	var event_info = {"calendar_name" : "Work",
    			"title" : "Test Event 1",
    			"location" : "Big Ben, London, UK",
    			"notes" : "This is a note",
    			"url" : "",
    			"all_day" : false};
    	var start_date = new Date();
            // Set the time to 15:30:00
            start_date.setHours(15, 30, 0);
    	// Create end Date instance 1 hour later
    	var end_date = new Date();
            end_date.setHours(16, 30, 0);
    	var identifier = Utils.addToCalendar(event_info, start_date, end_date);
    	event_info["title"] = "Hello Event 2";
    	Utils.updateCalendarEvent(identifier, event_info, start_date, end_date);

    You can copy this code into a new Form Script to test it out.

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