Tap Forms has a special field type called Calculation.

For basic math, use the following operators:

Operator Symbol
Add +
Subtract -
Multiply *
Divide /
Logical AND &
Logical OR ~

The following mathematical expressions in the Calculation field formula editor are supported:

Single parameter functions:

ABS: absolute value, which can be used as ABS(X)
ATAN: ArcTangent function which can be used as ATAN(X)
CEIL: CEIL(-3.2) = 3, CEIL(3.2) = 4
COS: Cosinus function which can be used as COS(X), X is a real-type expression. COS returns the cosine of the angle X in radians.
COSH: Cosinus Hyperbolic function which can be used as COSH(X)
COTAN: which can be used as COTAN(X)
EXP: which can be used as EXP(X)
FLOOR: FLOOR(-3.2) = -4, FLOOR(3.2) = 3
LN: natural log, which can be used as LN(X)
LOG: 10 based log, which can be used as LOG(X)
NOW: inserts the current time in seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT
SIGN: SIGN(X) returns -1 if X<0; +1 if X>0, 0 if X=0; it can be used as SQR(X)
SIN: Sinus function which can be used as SIN(X), X is a real-type expression. Sin returns the sine of the angle X in radians.
SINH: Sinus Hyperbolic function which can be used as SINH(X)
SQR: Square function which can be used as SQR(X)
SQRT: which can be used as SQRT(X)
TAN: which can be used as TAN(X)
TRUNC: Discards the fractional part of a number. e.g. TRUNC(-3.2) is -3, TRUNC(3.2) is 3.

Two parameter functions:

INTPOW: The INTPOW function raises Base to an integral power. INTPOW(2, 3) = 8. Note that result of INTPOW(2, 3.4) = 8 as well.
POW: The Power function raises Base to any power. For fractional exponents or exponents greater than MaxInt, Base must be greater than 0.
LOGN: The LogN function returns the log base N of X. Example: LOGN(10, 100) = 2
MIN: MIN(2, 3) is 2.
MAX: MAX(2, 3) is 3.
DATE: The DATE([Field], "yyyy-MM-dd") function formats a date in a human readable way. Please see the Unicode Technical Standard #35 for pattern syntax and examples.
FORMAT: The FORMAT([Field], "#.00") function formats a number in a variety of ways and returns a text representation of the number. Please see the Unicode Technical Standard #35 for pattern syntax and examples.

Three parameter functions:

IF: The IF(b, case1, case2) function provides branching capability. If b is not 0, then it returns case1, else it returns case2. Example: IF(HEIGHT, 3/HEIGHT, 3) will make sure 3/HEIGHT does not cause a division by zero error.
IFEMPTY: The IFEMPTY([Field], case1, case2) function also provides branching capability. If [Field] is empty, then it returns case1, else it returns case2.
IFNOTEMPTY: The IFNOTEMPTY([Field], case1, case2) function also provides branching capability. If [Field] is NOT empty, then it returns case1, else it returns case2.

No parameter functions:

NOW: NOW() inserts the current date and time in seconds into the formula.
TODAY: TODAY() inserts the current date in seconds into the formula. The time is 00:00:00.
RND: RND() function generates a random number (double value) between 0 and 1.

Multiple parameter functions:

AVG: AVG(2, 5, 3,...) returns the average of all the parameters. e.g. AVG is 3.5.
SUM: SUM(2,3,5,…) functions returns the sum of it’s arguments. There is no preset limit on the number of parameters.
CONCAT: CONCAT("A", "B", "C",...) joins values together. It’s an alternative to the + function for text concatenation.

Text Concatenation

In addition to the above mathematical expressions, Tap Forms also supports text concatenation. With this feature, you can create Calculation fields which return a Text value instead of a Number value.

For example, you could create a Calculation field called Full Name (or whatever you want to call it) which has the following formula:

First Name + “ “ + Last Name

As long as you set the Result Type property on the Formula Editor to Text, then Tap Forms will evaluate the above formula and return the string with the First Name and Last Name fields joined together with a space character in between. It’s especially useful for creating labels. You can keep your First Name and Last Name fields as separate fields, but for printing labels, you would want them to be joined together into a Full Name field to make your labels look nicer.

An example of joining the parts of a mailing address so it avoids blank lines if certain fields are empty:

First Name + “ “ + Last Name + “\r” +
IFNOTEMPTY ( Company, Company + “\r”, “” ) +
Address 1 + “\r” +
IFNOTEMPTY ( Address 2, Address 2 + “\r”, “” ) +
City + “, “ + Province + “ “ + Postal Code

In the above example, the IFNOTEMPTY ( Company, Company + “\r”, “” ) part checks to see if the Company field is not empty. If it has a value, it returns the value in the Company field and adds a linefeed character to it. If it has no value, it simply returns nothing (an empty string).

The "\r" part inserts a new line into the result.

Last modified: Dec 02, 2017

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