Using a real color picker on the iPhone

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  • Author
  • February 21, 2014 at 10:33 AM #9132

    Helen Holzgrafe

    I am using TapForms to keep track of model paints I keep. These are known by their number, but I would also like to use the drawing field to show a swatch of the actual color. Right now, the drawing field only has a limited number of colors to choose from. I’d like to option to use a real color picker with RGB, and/or HSB support. This could be accessed at the bottom of your current color picker (which I also like) by a button labeled something like “choose and save your own color”.

    I know there is open source for a number of color pickers for the iPhone available, so adding this in would not require writing one yourself.


    February 21, 2014 at 2:50 PM #9139


    Hi Helen,

    Thanks for the feature suggestion.


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