Sort by Link from Field

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  • Author
  • February 2, 2018 at 12:29 PM #27240

    Timothy Setzer

    I have a contacts doc and a visits doc. When I make a visit I go to the contact doc and click on the visits field which takes me to the visit doc and has the contact name as the first field. However, the contact name does not show up as a sortable field. Is there any way I can reproduce the name in a new field and then sort by name? Or is there another way to sort by name when the name is coming from a different doc?

    February 2, 2018 at 1:39 PM #27242


    Hi Timothy,

    Yes, you can do this if you create a Calculation field that has your Contact Name as the field in its formula.

    Then you can sort by that Calculation field.

    But this only works if it’s a Link From Field you’re referencing. If when you select your Contact Name field you get something like COUNT::Link To Form::Contact Name then that’s a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship and not the inverse of a one-to-many relationship. Sorry if that was a bit confusing.

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