Smooth Transition with iOS8, Yosemite, iCloud Drive, and TapForms

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Smooth Transition with iOS8, Yosemite, iCloud Drive, and TapForms

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  • Author
  • October 30, 2014 at 8:00 AM #11511



    I am a former Bento user who has been using TapForms for a few months. Over the past several weeks, I have slowly made the transition to iOS 8, an iPhone 6 (from an iPhone 4), Yosemite, and iCloud Drive (in that order).

    I am running Tap Forms on my iPhone, MacBook Pro, and iMac. I also have my son (13 years old) learning to use TapForms on his MacBook Pro. So far, so good with TapForms.

    I appreciate the forum postings, especially those from the users who troubleshoot the initial versions of iOS8, Yosemite, iCloud Drive, and TapForms (both iOS8 and Yosemite). After watching the postings for a couple of weeks after a new release, it has allowed me to carefully decide when to upgrade the various software.

    Thanks to Brendan and everyone for continually making this a great App.

    November 1, 2014 at 3:26 AM #11530


    Hi Rockies,

    Thanks for the comments!


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