Saved search

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  • March 25, 2014 at 3:09 PM #9515

    Steve Wood

    I have created a form which contains a field called “Issue Type” which is linked to a pick list with four vales that allows multi-select. The form also has a “Follow up required” check mark field.

    I have tried to save a number of searches to filter out a subset of the records for each of the “Issue Types” and for two of the “Issue Type” vales I have also created saved searches that filter out records matching the relevant issue type with the follow up check mark set to “yes”.

    The saved searches which should filter out the records that have the follow up check mark set to yes do not correctly filter the records. However, when I replace the follow up field with a pick list field with a pick list of yes/no the records do filter correctly. Assume this is a bug?

    March 25, 2014 at 4:26 PM #9520


    Hi Steve,

    If you check and uncheck one of your checkmark fields, does it then get included in the search results?



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