Query about searches and saved searches

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  • March 27, 2020 at 4:24 AM #40055

    Victor Warner

    I have a query about searches and saved searches.

    As far as I can tell for a simple search it is only possible to search all the fields, so that:

    1. it is not possible to target a particular field; or

    2. to search a specific set of fields (eg to target two fields)


    For a saved search it is possible to target specific fields, but that only works if the search is saved.

    Sometimes I wish to do a search to target specific fields but not to save the search (ie it is for one time only). Is this possible (if I have not read the manual properly) or could it be implemented?

    March 27, 2020 at 11:31 PM #40062


    Hi Victor,

    It’s not possible to target specific fields in a general search. It can only work with saving the search. The reason for this is because Tap Forms goes through a complex operation to parse and process the records that match your search and then it creates an index view in the database that contains just the records that matched the criteria you specified. The records can’t be fetched for displaying until this view is saved to the database. This is a limitation of the CouchbaseLite database engine that I’m using in Tap Forms. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    You could always just have a Saved Search lying around that you edit whenever you want to do different queries. Then clicking the Save button really just becomes like clicking the Search button.



    March 28, 2020 at 1:24 AM #40067

    Victor Warner


    Thank for the information.


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