Nearby Sync only works one way

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  • September 14, 2016 at 3:36 PM #19542

    Chris Nichols

    I’ve experienced a lot of trouble setting up the sync between devices and so far have had no luck at all with Cloudant despite setting up two different user accounts to make sure it wasn’t a user error on my part stopping the sync.

    So after wasting a lot of time on that one, I switched to nearby sync. I’ve also spent a lot of time on this too and after much trial and error it seems to be working – but only one way! What is the point of not allowing changes on the iPhone and only on the Mac? The real appeal about this was that I could record details on my iPhone version and then sync back to the Mac, but all I get is ‘Record Editing Disabled’. Am I still missing something here?

    I also tried to sync with my iPad, but all that does is flash up the accept dialog, then nothing – any clues on this one?

    I have to say that synching records shouldn’t be this hard. Try looking at Day One Journal that use a similar setup. I can open and edit on any device and within seconds all of the records are in sync. For a lot of non technical users, this degree of complexity will turn them off which is a shame because Tap Forms is a promising product.

    September 14, 2016 at 5:46 PM #19543


    There’s a function for re-enabling record editing on the record details screen. Tap on any record to view the details, then tap on the action menu button. Then tap on the pencil button to re-enable record editing.

    Sync is two way.

    What problems did you have with Cloudant?

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