Lock Users from Editing Forms or Adding new forms…

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Lock Users from Editing Forms or Adding new forms…

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  • February 8, 2012 at 5:31 AM #3605



    I am in desperate need of the ability to essentially create a TapForms application, and then distribute it to my team of guys, and only allow them to only use the forms the way that I have them set up. In other words I would like to be able to keep them from making any edits to the forms, and the fields defined for each form. I want them to be able to add data to the forms, but lock them out from being able to change the defined forms and disallow them from adding new forms.. Is this possible? Essentially I would like to be able to build a stand-alone app and then distribute it to my guys. Possible? Adding this feature would really Rock My World…

    Thanks for your consideration…


    February 8, 2012 at 5:48 AM #5092


    Hello Jerry,

    This seems to be a popular request lately. I’m not so sure about restricting people from adding new forms. But I see the use for restricting people from editing a locked form.

    What would be the purpose of disallowing your guys from being able to add new forms if they found Tap Forms useful for other things?



    February 8, 2012 at 4:19 PM #5093


    I would also find use in being able to distribute “Read Only” versions of certain TapForms databases. I see the option of developing a stand-alone database as an potential extension of this. However that seems to get in to the questions of how you cover for a return on investment (do you charge royalties on the folks who want to charge their users for “buying” their stand alone databases or not?) and how you mitigate against tech support issues when folks start complaining that their standalone database is not working well because your TapForms app is sloppy or has problems (when the truth really is that their distributor built a crappy standalone database). Of course, I may just be overthinking the issues here.

    Anyway, my vote would certainly be to be able to create locked databases that require TapForms or TapForms Lite but prevent users from being able to add/delete/change the records in them.


    February 9, 2012 at 3:20 AM #5094



    I work in Law Enforcement in So. California. I would need to have this level of control since the department that I work for would require complete control over what type if information is collected from Suspects, Victims, Witnesses etc… (and it would need to be branded as a Department Application) Being able to develop and distribute a Stand Alone database APP for the Patrol Officers for gathering the information that our reports require would be a huge help.

    I guess what I am saying, is that I would need the ability to develop a “stand alone” database that I would maintain and distribute for the department. We would have complete control of defining the forms and related databases. There would then need to be a version of Tapforms that is a “read – only” version, which would allow the officers to populate the database only (while conducting field Interviews), without the ability to modify the database structure in any way. Obviously the department would be willing to pay for each “read-only” version of Tapforms that would reside on each deputies iPhone or iPad.

    I’m not sure if I am really articulating my needs very well, but I think you get the idea. Please let me know if you have further questions, and please let me know if I am dreaming, or if this could become a reality. I see the potential for some pretty awesome sales of your product if you could do this. Anyway please let me know!


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