just starting and confused about how to setup database

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms just starting and confused about how to setup database

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  • October 27, 2021 at 1:03 PM #45548

    Fabrizio DiLampa


    I just purchased the app, and started reading the documentation.

    After reading about Forms, Records, Fields, I am trying to understand how the general concept fits with my inventory.

    Let’s say that I have 2 “entities” which I am interested in

    To avoid confusion, I am deliberately avoiding the terms forms, records, etc

    One entity is the categorization of the item to be stored, for example: computer→ cable→ USB→ USBC→ for external SSD

    Another entity is the location of the stored item above: Storage space on Main street → building #6 → room 702 → shelf 4→ top → right

    In general terms, how would I setup the tap forms database ? How / Where do the concepts of terms forms, records, etc apply here ? In Numbers, it would be simple: a series of columns corresponding to each entity/sub-entity.

    thanks in advance for your time and help

    October 27, 2021 at 2:24 PM #45555


    Hi Fabrizio,

    So in your term, an “entity” is the same as a Tap Forms “field”.

    A field in Tap Forms is what will store a specific type of information. For example, Text, Number, Date, Time, Location, etc.

    In your case you would setup a form that has a field called Categorization. Another field called Location. And maybe other fields too.

    Think about Tap Forms like a sheet of paper with boxes on it where you can write in things. Like if you were filling out a job application on paper, you would see a form that had boxes for first name, last name, address, phone number, email address, and then maybe also a list of past places you’ve worked. The sheet of paper that has all those things on it is called a form. And if you have multiple forms with different people’s job application information on it, then you technically have a bunch of records for that form. The form itself is just a template that contains all the bits of information on it that you’re interested in keeping track of.

    I hope that makes things more simple to understand.

    In Numbers parlance, a column would just be akin to a field in Tap Forms. So in Numbers you might have a column that has the Category and another column for the Location. Each row in the Numbers spreadsheet would be akin to a record in Tap Forms.

    October 28, 2021 at 5:50 AM #45592

    Fabrizio DiLampa

    Thank you Brendan.

    Just to make sure that I understand.

    I completely understand your definition of fields and analogy with columns in Numbers.

    I understand Forms. My question is about the underlying structure of the database (what you would see in columns view).

    In my question I discuss:
    The general category of objects that fall under the heading computer, and all the sub, sub-sub, sub-sub-sub categories which flow directly from the heading computer, such as computer→ cable→ USB→ USBC→ for external SSD. Please note that this is important, that this is only one branch. Another branch would be Computer → Audio → Bluetooth → Air Pods, and there are many others
    The same principle applies to locations: I gave as an example Storage → space on Main street → building #6 → room 702 → shelf 4→ top → right. So there are multiple locations, sub-locations, sub-sub-locations etc

    My question is: as far as the Tap Forms database is concerned, is Air Pods just an item or is the fact that Air Pods is a sub sub category of Computer somewhere built into the database

    thank you for your patience

    October 28, 2021 at 7:54 AM #45593

    Fabrizio DiLampa

    Yet another way of formulating my question: the way the database is set up would there be a way to search for room 702 and find everything sub-located to 702 ?
    In building #6 → room 702 → shelf 4→ top → right, name would you name the field “right” ?
    thank you

    October 28, 2021 at 11:36 AM #45595


    Hi Fabrizio,

    I would generally model that with multiple fields, one field for each “level”.

    So you’d have a Building field, a Room field, a Shelf field, and a Location field. The Location field could have a Pick List associated with it that contains the values top, bottom, left, right, top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right, and so on.

    That way you could create a Saved Search that said “give me a list of records in building 6 that have items on the top shelf in any room”. Or list “all records in room 702 of building 6”.

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