Iphone Won't Sync – Have tried all that I know

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Iphone Won't Sync – Have tried all that I know

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  • March 3, 2016 at 6:23 AM #16036

    Brian Cleary

    I recently was on the road for a week and made many changes to my forms on my iPad. I was never able to get my phone to sync while I was gone. Upon returning home, I was able to sync the changes from my iPad with my Mac, however not with my iPhone. I have reset sync, checked encryption keys, etc. I have done all I know to do.

    First, I did get a new iPhone because of damage to my old one. Pretty sure it had synced since I got it, but not certain. Not sure if this might be an issue.

    Second, my phone does appear to be syncing when I attempt it (XXXX number of rows to go on the display, etc.) but at the end of what I think might be a sync, I get a sync failed message.

    Any direction I can get on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.

    March 3, 2016 at 12:04 PM #16039


    Hi Brian,

    If you get a Sync Failed message, it means there may be one or more sync files still in the cloud that have either no encryption key set on them, or a different encryption key set on them.

    Generally the Reset Sync function fixes that.

    But if that still doesn’t work. I would suggest making a backup of the database on your iPad or Mac and restoring that database to your iPhone. There could be a different reason for the sync failed error. I wouldn’t know until I examined the log files on your device.



    March 8, 2016 at 6:22 AM #16060

    Brian Cleary

    Ok. For some reason I have now been able to sync my Mac and iPhone. I purchased a new app (TapForms HD) on my iPad (the TapForms app I had on my iPad quit opening) and deleted (or at least I think I did) the old app. This worked fine for a few days. The app quit unexpectedly at one point and I have not been able to open it since. Any suggestions?

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