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  • June 4, 2014 at 7:11 AM #10325

    Alex De Schryver

    Hey, i’m a big fan of TF. I was wondering if there is a way to make for example a mailinglist containing certain data from TF or CSV file.
    On Word for Mac i can import data from csv file and put the datafields on my document to make standard letters. Is there a way or program that does the same on ipad (seems not to work with pages for ipad) thx

    June 4, 2014 at 10:39 AM #10332


    Hi Alex,

    If you use a Saved Search you can have Tap Forms export only those records which match the selected search. I think that would do what you want.

    But also on the Mac version of Tap Forms, a new feature was added which provides merge support in a Text object in a custom layout. With that, you can drag out a Text object to your layout and then add field names surrounded by square brackets inside the text content area. Since Text blocks support rich text formatting, you can get pretty fancy with writing a letter that contains data that’s dynamically inserted from the fields in your form.

    For example a Text object could contain the following:

    Dear [First Name],

    We see that you still owe $[Amount Owing] on your recent order.

    Please submit payment by [Payment Due Date] or you will be charged a [Interest Percent]% overdue fee.


    The Company

    When you use the Print function, the substitutions will be made. You can print to a PDF file too if you want to email the document.

    Hope that makes sense!


    June 4, 2014 at 11:31 AM #10334

    Alex De Schryver

    Thx Brendan for the quick respons. Your example is exactly what i’m looking for, is it possible to do this on the ipad? I have both Tapforms versions (mac and ipad) but i really like to handle the paperwork from ipad.

    June 5, 2014 at 10:07 AM #10338


    Hi Alex,

    No I’m sorry. This is a Mac only feature.



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