How to create a list of all records

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  • June 9, 2020 at 10:37 AM #40858


    Is it possible to create a form with all the records by selecting certain fields?
    Like what it is possible to do in print
    Thanks for your help

    June 9, 2020 at 11:00 PM #40864

    Sam Moffatt

    You mean all of the records of all of the forms? You can link to all of the forms but I don’t think that makes sense.

    Perhaps you can explain your use case and the problem you’re trying to solve?

    June 10, 2020 at 7:10 AM #40866


    thank you for your reply
    I have a form with a collection of comic strip puzzles (about 3000 entries)
    The idea is to create an on-demand form with certain fields of the main form
    Something that would look like the screenshot, with specific fields but not all and by filtering on the theme for example (Asterix, Tintin, etc …)
    It would be more readable on the screen than the multi-column display at the top of the screen.

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    June 10, 2020 at 5:20 PM #40871

    Sam Moffatt

    You can create saved searches and within saved searches for the multicolumn list view you can pick which fields are visible. The saved search doesn’t need to have anything in it (you can create one that returns all records) and that can be used to control the fields in the multicolumn list view.

    The control for which fields are visible is a little x icon using a wrench and screwdriver at the far right of the field header for the view. You can also use this to reorder the MCLV but the default layout uses the system wide ordering.

    From there obviously you can use layouts to limit further which fields you see but I suspect you’ve got that sorted. There isn’t presently a way of changing which fields and order the default layout shows up on though I’m not sure if that’s part of what you’re asking or not.

    June 11, 2020 at 3:06 AM #40879


    Thanks for your help
    It actually meets my expectations
    I had not yet tested all the possibilities with the search forms
    Very good work

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