Help a teacher create a classroom database

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Help a teacher create a classroom database

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  • April 3, 2011 at 10:09 PM #3360


    I have limited database experience, but can figure this out if someone helps me with the structure and relationships. I would like to create a database to store assessment data for my students. I want to be able to enter the scores for all the students from an assessment in one record or form and then have that data show up in a student form elsewhere. Basically, I want to group my assessment data by either the assessment or by individual students and enter data quickly for each assessment. Any thoughts or ideas for a beginner?

    April 6, 2011 at 7:03 AM #4557


    Hello Lilli,

    You could create an Assessment form which contains all the scores for each assessment as Number fields. Then, create your Student form which has the student’s basic information plus a Link to Form field type. The Link to Form field type could be configured as a One to Many link type which links to your Assessment form. When you then create a new Student record, you’ll see a field with “Assessments (0) >” indicating there’s 0 assessment records for that student. Tapping on that field will take you to your empty list. You would then tap on the + button to create a new assessment. You would then fill out the assessment for that student. When tap the back button a couple of times to get back to the Student, the (0) would change to a (1). Now you know you have one assessment record associated to the student. Your Assessment form may also have a date and/or time field on it so you can keep track of when the assessment was completed.

    Hope that helps a bit!


    April 9, 2011 at 12:11 AM #4559


    Ok, so on the assessment form for each assessment, where would student names be? I am picturing a form for each assessment with all of the student names and a number field next to each name to enter the score. Then, the student form would have the just the scores for that particular student under each student’s record. Am I picturing that right? Thank you for the help!

    May 5, 2011 at 11:59 PM #4592


    As a fellow teacher can I politely point out the data protection act regarding personal information needs to be considered.

    June 24, 2011 at 10:14 PM #4637


    Lilli13, what you have in mind is different from what you can do in TapForms. The Assessment form holds the score for a single assessment for a particular student. The Student form consist of student information and a link to all the assessments this student took. Thus, when you enter all the information and open the student forms list, you will see a list of students names. When you click on a student name, the student form will open. There you will see student information (name, class, email, phone number, whatever you think you need) and a link to assessments. When you click on that link you will see a list of assessment forms for the selected student. What you have described looks more like a spreadsheet.

    June 24, 2011 at 10:15 PM #4638


    Brendan, maybe in one of the future version, you could consider adding a reporting system.

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