Filtering Data for Custom Views

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  • Author
  • May 29, 2014 at 8:17 AM #10300

    neal leggett


    I run 3 workshops on a Saturday and have all the people that attend in my database. Can I create filtered views of my data. i.e. Only show the names of the people that attend the 10-12 Workshop and another tabbed view showing those that attend the 3-5pm etc. Creating a custom view for each so I can create a register of attendance for each workshop. In my database I have a Week1 to 10 attendance field and tick yes/no if they have come this week. It would be simpler to have a custom view for just this .. I hope this makes sense.

    Also I include in the same database the customers that have left so I can keep them informed of new events etc. But I would like to exclude them from my views while maintaining the one database.

    This was all possible in Bento and I wondered if I am just missing this ability or its not available yet and when will it be ?



    June 1, 2014 at 10:29 AM #10312


    Hi Neal,

    You can certainly create custom searches which will filter your records. Just click on the search button just to the left of the Search field. Then add your search rules which will let you filter your data appropriately. Then click Save to save your search. You can’t create a custom layout per saved search though.



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