Demo version limited?

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  • Author
  • March 23, 2014 at 12:00 AM #9484

    Curt Siffert

    Hi, I just tried importing a Bento database of several hundred records, using the demo of Tapforms. It only successfully imported a handful of records – 1 record apiece for five forms, and 10 records for a sixth form. Is this because the demo is limited, or is it because the import failed? I wasn’t able to find any information on how the demo might be limited.

    My database has a lot of mp3s and relationships, since it tracks rehearsal recordings for recording projects.

    March 23, 2014 at 4:39 PM #9490


    Hi Curt,

    Yes, this is due to a limitation of the demo version. You can store a maximum of 15 records in the entire database. However, for the Bento template importer, I still allow one record to be imported from that template even if you’ve gone over the 15 record limit.



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