Date of birth

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  • December 6, 2014 at 1:55 PM #12153

    Olaf Christiansen

    it seems not to be possible to have birthdays before 1900. I have a lot of older names where people are born (older relatives) born in 1700 and 1800.
    Is there a way to fix this?

    December 7, 2014 at 3:58 PM #12165

    Allison Nelson

    A simple guaranteed way to do dates that sorts perfectly (overrides all formatting) is to enter dates in the following numeric format. Year first, space, month as 2 digits, space, day as 2 digits. Computers see this as numbers only and sort them logically no matter what. Programmers might hate me for this solution but, I never use “Date” fields for dates…only numeric fields and this way I have perfect results every time.

    2014 12 07


    December 8, 2014 at 3:00 AM #12170


    Olaf, if you use the date picker and then enter the dates into the specific date field there you can get dates earlier than 1900. The reason dates don’t work before 1900 by just typing them directly into the main date fields is because I’m using a technology from Apple called NSDataDetectors. With NSDataDetectors, Tap Forms is able to recognize dates entered in a variety of formats without you having to enter them in any specific format. For example, you can type “July 10, 2014” or “Jul 10 2014” and they will be recognized properly. You can also do things like “lunch tomorrow” and it will figure that out too.

    But one drawback of using that technology is it doesn’t seem to recognize dates earlier than 1900. That’s why I provided the date field control in the date picker popover so that you could enter dates in that were earlier than 1900.



    December 9, 2014 at 10:47 AM #12193

    Olaf Christiansen

    tks for this. Works fine.

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