Copying Records

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  • Author
  • November 11, 2018 at 12:45 PM #31742

    Brian Kober

    I have a form with ~3000 records (“Collection 1”), but it’s full of old data (ie. items I’ve sold). I duplicated the form and named the new one “Collection 2”. What I’m trying to do is copy all ~3000 records into “Collection 2” and purge the old data to make it current, but keep the original “Collection 1” for reference such that if I don’t see something in my inventory I can easily check to see if I ever had it to begin with. I’d rather not use separate searches and tags because I’d rather keep them simple since I use that for inventory tracking (ie. what box is each item in, and search by box number). Is there an easy way to do this, instead of copying individual records one at a time? I tried export/import, but the import kept trying to go into “Collection 1” instead of “Collection 2”.

    November 11, 2018 at 2:27 PM #31744


    Hi Brian,

    If you export your records, make sure you don’t have the Export Record IDs option enabled. Then when you import your records into the other form, they will be given new internal record IDs and should stay in that form.

    You could also archive your forms and then import them into a separate document rather than trying to keep old and new records together in the same form.

    But for this specific thing, I always recommend saved searches. But I understand if you don’t want to do it that way.



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