Calculating in linked forms.

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  • Author
  • October 13, 2013 at 6:11 AM #6925


    Hi, I just got TapForms, came over from Bento.

    The one thing I need that I can’t currently do is create calculations based on data from linked forms.

    Form A: Client info, including a linked form (Form B) of all the client’s appointments, including the rate they’ve paid.

    I need to create a calculation in Form A of “Number of Appointments,” as well another for “Avg Rate.”

    If I could have this functionality, I would be quite pleased.


    October 15, 2013 at 2:48 AM #6937


    Hello Alice,

    Well you can do at least one of these at a time. What you need to do is go to edit Form B and set a Calculation field and a Calculation Type (Total, Average, Minimum, or Maximum) and then when you’re viewing the client info in Form A, you’ll see the total (or whatever type you chose) next to the linked form for the set of records. Also tapping on the linked field will show you the calculation at the bottom of the records list specific to that set of linked records.



    October 16, 2013 at 8:09 AM #6949



    Thanks for the response.

    The issue is that I wanted to keep all this information separate. To explain further, Form A is a client, Form B is the appointment. In the spirit of keeping all the information as straightforward and organized as possible, I want the information from all the appointments in Appointments B to appear in a list on for Client A.
    Something that I’d like to do is to not only have the list of appointments appear within Client A’s form, but also have a numerical calculation of the total number of appointments Client A has had. If there’s a way to do that with your explanation above, I don’t understand.


    October 17, 2013 at 11:08 AM #6957


    Hi Alice,

    Yes, you can do this. If you email me a screenshot of what you’re seeing right now that isn’t what you want then I can try to help you further. Also, if you email me a copy of the Form A template then that will help me too. When you email a top-level form in a hierarchy of forms, Tap Forms will automatically include all the child forms in the template.



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