Calculate Values from Pick List in Text

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  • Author
  • March 20, 2014 at 9:03 PM #9460

    Ducky Q


    I have created multiple pick list:
    Picklist 1:
    10. Option 1
    14. Option 2
    30. Option 3.

    Picklist 2:
    1. Easy
    3. Medium
    5. Difficult

    So the pick list has a number (weight) follow by the descriptions for easy reference. So the entry is not just “numbers” but include “text”.

    I want to create a calculator that add/multiply the numbers. e.g
    [Picklist 1] + [Picklist2]

    Is there a way to make picklist return “numbers” even thought it contains “text”?
    So, while the display looks like “10. Option1”, but when the user select this, it will be “10” in numbers.

    While I can change the display of the PickList as decimal, my calculated fields still shows zeros.

    Sorry, if it is not clear, I will try to explain it again.


    March 20, 2014 at 9:11 PM #9461


    Hi Ducky,

    I understand what you’re asking for. I’ll have to dig into the code to see how Tap Forms is handling that or if there’s anything I can do about it. But right now, Tap Forms is converting the text value you select to a number, but if it’s not a valid number, then you’ll get 0.



    March 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM #9462


    I’ve been hunting around and I haven’t found a way to convert something like “24 feet” to be just the number 24. So I’m not sure it’s going to work to try and have text and numbers in the same value and hope to get a number out of it.

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