Beaming between IOS devices


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  • June 11, 2013 at 2:19 PM #6252


    I have an database which needs to be shared regularly between devices with different owners. How does beaming work in the instance where 2 users have copies of the same Tapform but the data has been altered so that some field data will be different? Does one write over the top of the other or is beaming more sophisticated where it asks which data to sync where there is a difference. Thanks.

    June 13, 2013 at 1:16 PM #6254


    Hi Waterfarm,

    Beaming is for sending a form template or a single record (excluding media attachments) from one device to the other. If you’ve beamed the form before to someone and then you beam again, Tap Forms will update the other device with the changes you’ve made to the form template on the device you’re beaming from. With the exception of deleting. If you delete fields and then beam that form to another device that already has it, Tap Forms will not delete the fields on the other device.

    You will not be prompted if there are any changes that are to be made. Tap Forms will just overwrite the changes. For example, if Device A has a field in the form called First Name and you beam it to Device B, then device B will also have a field called First Name. If you later changed First Name to Premiere Nom (french), then beamed it to Device B again, then Device B’s First Name field will then be renamed to Premiere Nom.

    I hope that makes sense.



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