Add image description / caption feature

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  • August 13, 2016 at 12:39 PM #18577

    Frances Cherman

    Now that it’s possible to add more than one image to a field, TapForms needs a way for users to reference, caption, or describe each image. I added a text field beneath each image field for this purpose, but since I’m dropping more than one image into each field, I have to refer to them by sequence – (1), (2) – in the “description” field, and if I change the sequence, I will have to manually change the numbering.

    What would be ideal is for TapForms to provide a way to caption or describe each image – perhaps some meta-information – and that information would be attached to the image and move with it.

    On a somewhat related note, when I tried to drag an image from one image field to another, I discovered that if I accidentally “dropped” it en route, or if I didn’t position it just right when releasing it to the new field, it simply disappeared, and there was no “UNDO”! This was particularly disconcerting since I had originally dragged it from my browser where I had captured it with a screenshot extension which I had since closed, and it therefore no longer existed. So I had to reconstruct the page and reshoot it. The best way to prevent this from happening would be to 1) provide an “undo” for dragging and dropping images, 2) when a user drags an image either into the app or between image fields, make image fields highlight when the dragged image is in the correct position to be dropped into place. Typically, this is done with shading and a dotted border along these lines:

    Drop Area

    August 14, 2016 at 12:52 AM #18589


    I agree, letting you caption the images is a great idea. I had actually planned on doing that, but just didn’t get around to it yet.

    I’ll investigate the dropped image issue.

    August 14, 2016 at 12:53 AM #18590

    Frances Cherman

    Thank you for responding so quickly, Brendan! Much appreciated.

    August 14, 2016 at 3:55 AM #18591


    Maybe also a way to show and print all images on a custom layout?
    Or am I missing something here?


    August 14, 2016 at 10:31 PM #18629


    Custom layouts only work with one image for now. I’m still trying to figure out the best way to handle that. My initial thoughts were to just allow you to select which image you wanted displayed in the image box. Right now it just uses the first one from the default layout.

    August 14, 2016 at 10:36 PM #18633

    Frances Cherman

    Slightly off-topic, but … I’ve noticed that you can also copy and paste images into notes, which is very handy indeed. In fact, you can paste virtually anything into a note. However, if you plan to export the records to Excel, the images in a note will not be included.

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