Print barcode as a PDF with a different name for each record is possible?

Tap Forms – Organizer Database App for Mac, iPhone, and iPad Forums Using Tap Forms Print barcode as a PDF with a different name for each record is possible?

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  • June 6, 2016 at 10:20 PM #17245

    Josep Maria

    good morning,
    I have a problem I do not know how to solve and ask if someone could help me.

    I have a database of more than four thousand entries to create a loyalty club card for my shop and I made a custom template design with a bar code EAN-13.

    So far so good, plug forms creates barcode using the EAN-13 correctly, however, as the cards will be virtual, not physical, I do not want to print them, I just want to get the image of custom design when I generate and print a PDF, this makes me all the records, this is not the problem because from acrobat can turn it on after png or jpg …

    What I would like to achieve, if possible, is that the title of each PDF is the membership number of each record. Thus when the images already have club membership numbers in JPG or PNG resulting otherwise be a great job doing it manually.

    I hope I’ve explained and if I can shed some light bone appreciate it.

    Thank you very much,

    June 6, 2016 at 10:46 PM #17246


    Hi Josep,

    Do you mean the filename of the PDF? If so, then the PDF file name is the name of the form that you’re printing when you use the Save as PDF command from the Print screen.

    Or if you’re talking about the ability to have every page display a membership number then you certainly can do that.

    If it’s the filename thing, maybe there’s something in Acrobat that can do that? But I’m not sure.

    June 6, 2016 at 11:08 PM #17249

    Josep Maria

    I have explained very wrong, I apologize,

    I have a form with the following fields:
    NAME : Josep Maria Farrarons
    No. Membership : 1801
    EAN -13 : 1800001198231

    I create a custom design of the form so that Tap Forms
    I automatically generate barcodes of 4000 entries containing the form.

    Thus , since Tap Forms can not seem to export the resulting design as a jpg or png image , to be image format each record form …

    What I do is the following: the utility generate a PDF to print all the records , that makes them feel a single PDF with all the records on one page for each one with the following title : 1 2 , 3, 4 …

    I would like if I could make the title was no. Membership : 1801 , 1802 , 1803 , 1804 …

    Thus when converted from Acrobat PDF files would result because the numbers correct and you should not change it manually.

    Thanks for the help

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